Friday, November 14, 2014

Fort Lauderdale Airport is getting a big facelift

The international airport in Fort Lauderdale on its way to become a real competition for Miami – the biggest airport in South-Florida.

A few year ago, Broward County started their update and expansion of the Fort Lauderdale airport FLL. The runways on the airport was not long enough for the bigger airlines from overseas and therefore the incoming foreigners often had to make a stop in one of the bigger airports like Atlanta or New York to change to a smaller aircraft.

The airport expansion was very controversial because of the noise level that comes with it. However, the Broward County help the homeowners nearby to get noise protection at their houses.

On September 18, the new runway opened and marked the completion of the major improvement part of the project. With this new runway, many new air carriers can use this airport. The runway that was expended to the east above the Federal Highway (US 1) is capable to handle aircrafts like the 747.

This runway expansion brought already new airlines with direct connections from Europe and there are more to come. The costs for the aircraft service and turn around are much cheaper than in Miami and that is a big benefit for the airlines.

On my event yesterday, I already heard many comments from very satisfied customer. It is not only the service at the airport but also the less jammed roads to and from the airport.

The face-lift is not yet finished. The next portion is the renovation and the remodeling of the existing airport facilities and the construction of a new concourse to handle the growing passenger numbers.

I am very excited to see the finished result. For my trip to Europe, I will certainly use this airport.

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